Thursday, April 3, 2014

April Master

The Lost Prince of Samavia by Frances Burnett

A favorite quote or thought from the book to share with us

A question to ask the class during our discussion

All of the following inspirements include some writing. Email your writing to Sis. Bates or Sis. Housholder by Tuesday night. (The sooner you email it, the more likely you will be to get feedback on it before class.)

CHOOSE one of the following:
● Act like a Prince or Princess for a day - use the language, manners, and deportment that you would picture a Prince or Princess would use (don't just be normal with the excuse that you ARE a prince or princess, but really try to be like a stereotypical good
prince or princess!) Write your thoughts about what changed about the way you usually act, speak or behave. Where the changes good? Why or why not?
● As you read, take note of the preparations Marco undertook to become who he was destined to become. Compare them with the preparations you are making. How are they alike or different? Do you see anywhere where you could improve. Write your
thoughts about this and practice this improvement for at least a day.
● Which character did you most relate to in the book? How are you like this character? How are you different? Is there anywhere you could improve to be more like or unlike this character? Write your thoughts and practice what you thought to improve upon for a day.
● Write your own story about someone or something who comes to know their mission by preparing themselves. How are you doing likewise? Think about something you can do to better prepare for your mission now and act on it for at least a day.
● Draw your favorite scene in the book that illustrates a principle. Why was it your favorite? What principle did it teach? Apply this principle to your life for a day and write what you learned.
● Write your own inspirement from a principle you took from the book. Make sure you include some writing of your thoughts as well as an application to your life.

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