Thursday, March 7, 2013

March Poem Memorization

The Soul's Captain (reply to Invictus) by Orson F. Whitney

Art thou in truth?
Then what of Him who bought thee with His blood?
Who plunged into devouring seas
And snatched thee from the flood?
  Who bore for all our fallen race
What none but him could bear—
The God who died that man might live
And endless glory share.
Of what avail thy vaunted strength
Apart from His vast might?
Pray that His light may pierce the gloom
That thou mayest see aright.
Men are as bubbles on the wave,
As leaves upon the tree,
Thou, captain of thy soul! Forsooth,
Who gave that place to thee?
  Free will is thine—free agency,
To wield for right or wrong;
But thou must answer unto Him
To whom all souls belong.
Bend to the dust that "head unbowed,"
Small part of life's great whole,
And see in Him and Him alone,
The captain of thy soul.

March Apprentice Inspirements

-Read: The Arts and the Spirit of the Lord by Boyd K. Packer

-Find one (or more) quotes, questions or thoughts from your reading

Then do one of the following:

-Make a work of art (painting, drawing, poetry, story, collage, skit, composition, or whatever else you think of) that you hope inspires others to draw closer to God.

-Pick an artist, musician, or other person who has made a contribution to the gospel by developing their talent and dedicating it to the Lord.  Make a Prezi, report or other presentation about them to share with the class.

-Find a quiet spot and ponder and pray about what talents the Lord would have you develop right now to help build His Kingdom.  Write your thoughts and goals in your journal.  You may express some of what you learned to the class if you would like.

March Journeyman Inspirements

Read: Music Talks for Children chapters 20-21

Read: Spiritual Lives of the Great Composers: Beethoven

Write your favorite thoughts, quotes or questions

Then do one of the following:

-Interview someone who has worked hard to develop a certain talent.  Listen to their story and take note of why they put in the work and what compelled them to do it.  See if you can find out how much time they have devoted to it and what joy or service they have found from it.

-Write a report or share a presentation about Beethoven

-Bring some of Beethoven's music to play for the class and tell us about the song you chose (see if you can find out how he came to write it).

-"Beautify" your room.  Make it a place where you can go to feel uplifted and close to the Spirit.  Then make something to help beautify some other place in the world. Share with us what you did.

March Master Inspirements

-Read: Joan of Arc by Twain (Part 1 through Part 2 chapter 7) (next week we'll read part 2 chapters 8-30)

-Write down your favorite thoughts, quotes or questions

Then do one of the following

-Joan knew she had a mission to fulfill early in her life.  She was able to be a powerful tool in God's hands because of her pure heart and sincere desire to serve Him.  Do a word study on having a "pure" heart or "Zion".  Take a journal and find a secluded spot where you can prayerfully examine your heart, examine your motivations, intentions and desires. 

-Do a word study on "tool", "Zion", "submit" or "Kingdom of God" evaluate how you can better be a tool in God's hands in building His Kingdom and write your thoughts in your journal.

-Research Mark Twain and how he came to write this book.  Learn about the research that went into it and why he chose to write it.  Share your findings in a report or presentation to the class.

-Do a character study or chart about Joan.  Write down her internal and external characteristics.  Try to evaluate what it was that made her able to be a chosen vessel for God's work or what made her a great leader.

-Create a work of art about your favorite part of the book or something that you were inspired to do because of it.  A work of art may include (but is not limited to): painting, drawing, sculpture, skit, ect.

-Make a timeline of Joan's life and events as you read the book.

-As always, you may write your own inspirement to help you internalize the things that you learned from the book.