Monday, March 17, 2014

March Master


Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

A favorite quote AND question to ask the class (don't forget the question!)

CHOOSE one of the following:
● Austen uses dialogue to portray her characters. You come to know them by what they say and how they express themselves. Pay attention to how you express yourself to others for a whole day. Is your speech flowery, exaggerated, honest, kind, sarcastic, rude, uplifting, etc? Take notes throughout the day of what you notice. How can you your speech be a true portrayal of who you are? Or is it that way already? Write your thoughts and what you learned.

● Write a "How to" paper on how to find an ideal husband or wife, include principles you found in the book

● Write a "Slicing the Pie" essay on the different kinds of young men (or women) that you may have to date someday. Your labels may be characters from the book. Include principles you learned about the character traits that would put people under a certain label.

● It was ironic in this book that often women (such as Mrs. Bennett and Miss Bingley) repelled the very people who they were trying to attract. What was it about their behavior that repelled those people who they so wanted to be liked by? Write your thoughts.

● Write a Compare and Contrast Essay about how the women in the book acted towards the men they liked.

● This book provides an interesting look at social hierarchies. See if you can find a form of social hierarchies in your society. In your observations, do you see pride or prejudice in the socially "superior" group? Do you see pride or prejudice in the socially "inferior" group? Write a persuasive letter to someone in either group about how to overcome that obstacle and become friends with someone in a different social group. It may be fun to include examples from the book. Or you may pretend you are a character in the book who is writing to this person after they have had these learning experiences.

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