Do all of the following to increase your knowledge:
Read: 2 Timothy 2:3-5 and decide what it means to you.
Read: The Last
Battle by C.S. Lewis
Choose: A favorite quote, thought or question from the
book to share with the class.
Read: American
History in Verse to The
Word of God to Leyden Came
Word Study: If you are not doing a word study in
journeyman or master class this week, do a word study on “soldier”, “strive” or
another interesting word from your readings.
Memorize: A favorite poem or excerpt from a poem from American History in Verse
Choose one of the following to increase your
(See teaching ideas for presenting your thoughts)
-Think of your own way to teach something you learned
from The Last Battle. Remember, understanding requires action so
knowledge can sink into your heart. Have
a parent, or mentor, approve your inspirement.
-We are living in the Last Days and taking part in the
“Last Battle” before the end of the world. Make a list of some of the enemy’s
tactics in the book and see if you can find some ways how you see them around
you today. Also, list some of the tactics used by those on Aslan’s side and how
you might use some of them today. Teach us what you learned.
-Show how the Scripture in Timothy applies to the message
in the book. Present your thoughts.
-Pick your favorite scene in the book and represent it in
some way (a skit, a picture, a poem, etc). Teach us why you liked that scene
and what you learned from it.
-There were several leaders in this book such as: Shift,
Trinian, Tash, Aslan, Rishda Tarkaan, any of the Queens and Kings of Narnia,
and others. Pick two leaders and compare
their leadership methods. It helps to ask yourself: “How did they get people to
follow them?” Share what you learned in your own way.
-Make a Character Study T-Chart of your favorite
character or of you least favorite character. Also, write down some of the
consequences of their actions. What does this teach you about a trait you want
to develop? Present what you learned to teach the class.00
-Things became more “real” as the characters went
“further up and further in”. Have you
ever seen this pattern in your life? Write about, or present in some way
(Prezi, whiteboard, poster board, speech, etc), how this might apply to our
lives today.
-How does the stable in the book compare to the stable in
Bethlehem? Present your thoughts in a way of your choosing.
-Why could the dwarves not see what everyone else could
see? Have you ever felt like this or
know someone who acts like this? What can you do to help yourself or others in
this situation? Or what must happen for them to want to see? Present your thoughts.
Choose one of the following to apply what you have
-Choose an action from your thoughts or writings about The Last Battle or about Raphael to work
on this week.
- Teach your family what you learned from “The Last
Battle” in a family lesson. Give them a
challenge and take the challenge yourself.
-Choose a weapon or tactic of the Spirit that you want to
become an expert in using to bless others.
Set a goal on how you will practice. Follow through (you may want to ask
someone to check on you or write it somewhere where you’ll remember to check on
-Pray and ask for guidance in how you can become a better
soldier for the Lord. Write down and act
on your prompting.
-Choose a “Serve” from Journeyman or Master readings
Aaron wants the wicket gate.