Thursday, February 6, 2014

February Apprentice


Watch: (this is a good one because it talks about Carl Bloch's life, and about the exhibit we are going to see
Carl Bloch Video

Investigate:   The following web site is a Carl Bloch website: Click on the biography tag and read his biography.

Find answers to the following questions.  Which paintings did Carl Bloch consider to be his best? What did his parents hope his career would be?  What tragic thing impacted his life?  What else do you wish you knew about Carl Bloch?

Go to the sitemap tab and see the listing of the names he gave his paintings.  Choose your favorite painting.  Come to the field trip prepared to share which is your favorite and why.


Read: Finish reading Freedom Factor


Think and Write: We will be learning about paradox's this week.  Please choose two of the following to complete word studies on.  You will need to complete both word studies.  Then please compare and contrast the two.   Justice and Mercy:   Servant and Master:  Joy and Sorrow:  Humility and Pride:  Life and Death:   Obedience and Sacrifice:   or choose another paradox that is interesting to you.  Ask yourself the following questions:   How do paradox's make me feel?   Do I have paradox's in my life?   How do I find answers to understanding paradox's?   Why are paradox's important?  What did I learn about myself studying about paradox's?  What did I learn about the Lord?   EVERYONE  will need to bring their chosen paradox word studies.  We will be using them in a class discussion!  Dont forget!

Find: For your scripture to read this week please find a scripture story (or two) that illustrates the two words from your word study.  This will also be a part of our class discussion so you may choose to bring a visual representation to go along with your scripture story if you would like, but please make sure to read your chosen scripture story(s)

Consider: Freedom Factor:   As you read, consider some of these questions:  Many today cry for constitutional reform, do you think we need constitutional reform?  Why or why not?  What are your feelings about your country and the consitution?    Do you agree with the arguments people make regarding the idea that 2014 is a different time and we have different needs than they had back in the 1700's?  What questions do you have after reading the book?  What excitement and passions did you discover while reading the book?  What paradox's did you find in the story?  What will you fight for?  What sacrifice are you willing to make for a righteous cause?

Make your own paralell universe for our country without a constitution.  Bring some visual way to show us how you think things would be different
Write your own story about what would happen to our country without a constitution.  Share your story in class or on the yahoo group.
 Write a poem about why the constitution is important to you.
Create a piece of art work from a theme in Freedom Factor
Re-write the constitution in your own words.
Choose to be more actively involved in the government.  Some ideas:  attend a city council meeting,   attend a TARS meeting,  research bills and laws affecting your city, state and country today, take a debate or speech class, earn your citizenship merit bagdes, etc.
Is Nathaniel Gorham real?  Do some of your own research on him.  Share what you learn with us in class.
Bryce is told that he is important, that he makes a difference.  Prepare a 2-5 minute speech on how one person can make a difference.  Give the speech to us in class.
Write an persuasive essay expressing your thoughts  on the second paragraph on page 64.  It begins "A democracy"
Do some research into the fate of the signers of the Constitution and Declaration of independecnce.  Share with us what you learn.
Research the different forms of government.  Create a presentation to share with us the good and bad things about each type.
Create your own inspirement to share with us something you learned from reading Freedom Factor.

Project: Complete your project for the month. Please plan to share in some way what you did for your project and what you learned from the project.

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