Thursday, February 6, 2014

February Journeyman


Consider: 1)Franz Liszt was a man who was blessed with incredible talent.  He was in himself a paradox.  As you read about him and listen to his works, consider the following questions: Are there times that you find yourself giving in to the "natural man"?  Do you sometimes find yourself giving in to things that you know you shouldn't do?  How can you develop your talents more to glorify God? 2) As you read Pilgrim's Progress, consider if you have ever felt sadness or even despair over a choice that you made. Notice what Christian and Hopeful do to get out of this predicament. 3) How do you overcome your natural tendencies that you know are not good for you? (The Neil A. Maxwell talk will also help answer this).

Read: Pilgrim's Progress to when Christian and Hopeful reach the Delectable Mountains.

Choose and Write: Choose a character or place from Pilgrim's Progress and do some research about how you can improve yourself in regards to the trait that you choose. Be sure to put your choice on the blog so we don't have duplicates.

Read: Spiritual Lives of the Great Composers: Liszt

Watch and one other from this site: (feel free to explore the site!)

Read:  This talk by Neal A. Maxwell and these scriptures: Mosiah 3:19, 1 Cor 2:14

Read: How to Write a Persuasive Letter

EmailInspirement Sheet to Sis. Bates and Sis. Housholder by Tuesday at noon.

And do one of the following:

-Practice a talent twice as much as you normally do for this week (music, art, sports, charity, forgiveness, etc) and see how you improve, keep your focus on God as you do, remembering to acknowledge Him for your talent and progress.  Write in your journal about your experience (How did it go? Did you feel like things went easier or harder?) 

-Choose a piano piece by Liszt and practice it to perform for us at Vanguard!  It's okay if you don't have all of it done, you can even come and play just a few lines, whatever you have been able to do.  The important thing is putting your best effort at it.  Just remember to put God first in your day, and do your best. 

-Choose a favorite Liszt piece, and create something artistic to show us.  This could be a collage of favorite items, a slideshow that shows balance and opposition, you can either share it with us on the blog, or in class. Be sure to share a principle and application   If you want to show it in class, please let me know so I can better plan.  

-Write in your journal each day this week at the end of the day.  Record how you did at putting off your natural man and how you became a better man or woman of Christ. Remember, it's okay if you struggle with this, we all do.  The important thing is to notice when you are being selfish, and when you are being Christ centered. Keep writing each day about how you are doing.  The more focus you put on becoming like Christ, the better you'll do. 

-Write a letter  to someone (imaginary or real - it can even be to yourself) who is struggling with their desires not being in line with what they know to be right. Tell them how they might overcome those desires.

-Read and study The Scarlet Letter (highlight or write as you read)

-Research something about which you wanted to learn more in any of your readings this week.  Teach us what you learned and share a principle and application from your research