Men of Iron by Howard Pyle
-Write your favorite quote(s), thought(s), or question(s) from the book
Then choose one or more of the following:
-Research Howard Pyle and make a presentation to share with the class
-Take notes on how Myles took initiative or action in his
decisions. Pick one ore more decisions and tell the class why you
agreed with it or disagreed. Some questions to consider: Where did his
choosing to act lead him? What consequences came from his choice? What
might have happened if he acted differently or chosen not to act? Present your thoughts.
-Write down some questions or comments pertaining to the
kinds of training we do or do not have comparable to what Myles
endured. Evaluate what we need to restore to our education which would
better fit us mentally, morally and physically to face the challenges of
our times. Present your thoughts to the class (prezi, art, speech, writing, etc)
-Contrast the High Court of Chivalry and the Court of Law under our Constitution. Share your insights.
a chart - on one side write the positive things you noticed about
Chivalry and Knighthood and on the other side write the negative things
you noticed. It may help to research chivalry in another source.
-As you read, it may have occurred to you that somehow it
seems harder to be a good knight nowadays than it was then because we
have so many more ways of fighting now than in King Edward the Third's
time. A good deal of what is really combat nowadays is not called
combat. What sort of struggles present themselves to you and how do you
become a courageous fighter? Are they similar to the ones that made a
great knight? Present your thoughts in a way of your choosing.