Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September Master Inspirements

 The SleepingBeauty by C.S. Evens and find your favorite quote or thought and think of a question to ask the class.  
Chapter 6 of the Story of Art
Then write an essay OR give a presentation OR create a work of art (OR all three :-) ) about one of the following (make sure you include in it a challenge or goal for yourself).  
*These questions are to get you thinking – if your thoughts take you in another direction that does not go with these inspirements – please go with it!

  • Notice how Beauty grew up to have gifts because she had fairy godmothers.  Do you have a royal lineage?  What does that tell you about the gifts and talents you have inherited.  What does it tell you about others?
  • Everyone in the kingdom fell asleep when Beauty did.  This wasn’t a part of the spell – why do you think that happened?  Do you see any patterns of this in our day?  Do you sometimes feel that you are “asleep” to the beauty around you?  How can you wake up?  How can you help others wake up?
  • Chapter 1 of Music Talks for Children explains that the child cannot see her own light, but must see the light she helps create in others.  Do a word study on “Beauty” and one on “Light” How are they similar?  What does this tell us about how to love beauty and light?  Why was the kingdom in Sleeping Beauty asleep until someone came who could love Beauty?
  • When the Prince saw the fallen men around the palace he faltered, but then he said, “With a courage as great as theirs, I may succeed.” In Trumpeter of Krakow, the memory of the first broken note gave Joseph courage.  Think of a hero that gives you courage for your future.  How does his/her example help you?
  • John Adams once said, “I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to leave their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.” Do you have more opportunity to study truth because of the sacrifices of those in the past? Why or why not? The prince goes to wake Beauty because “something in his heart” tells him it is his task. How do we know what “adventures to take” upon ourselves?

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